This is our end-cap display featuring GO CAT's top items, with most being HAND-CRAFTED in the USA! The eye catching colors and incredible selection are what cats love, along with tons of interchangeable attachments! Thanks goes out to Premier Pet Supply for the photo from their Rochester Hills store. Have a look around our site and see all the toys your cat will love!

Here is a great email testimonial for our product!
I just want to say thank you. Da Bird is absolutely the best cat toy ever invented. Hands down, there is nothing like it to get a cats attention and to stimulate their inner self. I have used this toy to help draw out 3 very fearful and shy cats. Da Bird has been the only therapeutic toy I have worked with that truly helped my fearful kitties focus so intently that they forgot their fear and exercised with abandon. The end result is a pooped out and very relaxed cat. Not only are anxieties released but self esteem and confidence is built. I have never seen my cats exercise as hard as they do with Da Bird. I have even used it to help one of my cats get comfortable getting up onto the bed.
Here are some pictures of our Pima who is a rescue. She spent some of her young life on the streets and ran with a feral pack. She was fearful and anxious in our home but this toy helped set her free. When she plays, she releases so much tension. It helps her find her peaceful place. (In the photo she is playing with Mark, my husband.)
Thanks again! I am a loyal customer. (I’m sending this toy to my sister’s cat in Paris!)
Carolyn Weinhold
Scottsdale, Az.